dimanche 26 octobre 2008

AgroResin: compostable bulrush packaging

Environmental packaging supplier Biopac has introduced bulrush packaging to its portfolio to become the first European distributor of the biodegradable packs.

Bulrush is a common perennial plant that is grown in marshy areas normally considered unfit for growing crops.

The crops intended for Biopac are grown in the Jiangxi province in south east China and are harvested by approximately 50 small local businesses.

Waste water generated by the mill is treated in-house in a closed-loop system.

Biopac director Mark Bridgen said: "Not only is it a product that biodegrades within 90 days, it's growth benefits the environment and it provides livelihoods for farmers with land that would otherwise be deemed useless."

Bulrush packaging earned silver Cradle-to-Cradle status from MBDC, which considers materials, reutilization, social responsibility and energy and water use when certifying products.

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