lundi 28 mai 2012

LINPAC Packaging increases shelf life without additional preservatives

LINPAC Packaging, Europe’s leading multi-material packaging manufacturer, has developed a new range of bakery containers in partnership with its customers to keep sweet treats spongier and fresher for longer.

The food packaging company was challenged with developing a product which significantly reduced the amount of moisture lost and thereby increasing the shelf-life of sponge and pastry-based products without using additional food preservatives. Current cake and bun containers allow a high level of moisture to escape from the pack meaning that products turn stale within a couple of days.

LINPAC Packaging is hoping to tempt bakers, pâtissiers and confectioners with their new round and rectangular hinged cake containers which have been developed with the needs of their customers in mind and will keep cakes and buns fresher for several days longer than traditional containers.

LINPAC Packaging is also investing in research and development of ‘active’ packaging for the bakery sector to extend product shelf life through the use of food safe anti-fungal coatings. Like the new hinged containers, the coatings will help to keep bakery items fresher for longer.

Other products in LINPAC Packaging’s bakery range include a range of recyclable PET transport trays to prevent damage to delicate bakery items during transit and the SmartBox which offers a unique packaging solution to ensure maximum impact in presentation and strong branding opportunities, without compromising on product protection and environmental concerns.

mercredi 23 mai 2012

Global Packaging Industry CEO Business Outlook Survey 2012-2013

"Global Packaging Industry CEO Business Outlook Survey 2012–2013" is a new report by Canadean that analyzes how global packaging industry companies' procurement expenditure, business strategies, and practices are set to change in 2012–2013.

What is the current market landscape and what is changing?

C-level respondents from the global packaging industry expect increased levels of consolidation, with 61% of respondents anticipating that there will be either a 'significant increase' or an 'increase' in merger and acquisition (M&A) activities over the next 12 months.

What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?

Large packaging companies are seeking small and specialized companies to strengthen their core competencies, reduce costs, and resist competition with their enriched product mix. The higher expected levels of consolidation in the global packaging industry is also due to new cost or demand pressures, repayment of debts, the potential need to meet new compliance procedures, or gain quick access to new markets, business expansion, and attempts to increase market share.

Key Market Issues

Global packaging industry C-level respondents identify China to be the most important region for growth among emerging markets, along with India and the Middle East. Strong growth of semiconductor wafer fabrication and domestic electronics markets is further aiding growth expectations in China. There has been significant growth in the aseptic packaging sector in the country, driven by a rise in technological sophistication.

According to the survey, 56% of C-level respondents rate 'raw material prices' as the most important business concern in 2012, while 54% and 46% highlight 'responding to pricing pressure' and 'cost containment' respectively.

The average size of the global annual procurement budget among packaging industry C-level respondents is forecast at US$85 million for 2012. In addition, the Canadean industry survey reveals that C-level respondents' procurement expenditure is projected to rise by 11.5% over the next 12 months.

'Quality', 'level of service', and 'price' are considered very important factors for C-level respondents while selecting a supplier, whereas 'supplier's environmental record', 'supplier's CSR reputation', and 'proximity of supplier operations' are considered the least important factors.

The main reasons for an expected increase in the level of consolidation in the global packaging industry have changed to new equipment acquisition, increase operational efficiency, and to acquire growth opportunities.

Key Highlights

An analysis of responses by packaging C-level respondents reveals that 'new product development', 'IT infrastructure development', and 'machinery and equipment purchase' will record a significant increase in capital expenditure over the next 12 months.

As global packaging demand is projected to increase in the next 12 months, packaging C-level respondents plan to significantly increase their capital expenditure on 'new product development'.

According to the survey, 67% of C-level respondents project an increase in investment toward 'IT infrastructure development'. For example, in November 2011, Omni Systems, a private label converter based in the US, announced that it will invest in new MIS and ERP software. A senior executive from the company states, "We have selected the Radius ERP solution because of its specific focus on the labeling industry, its robustness, and the ability to cover the complete workflow, from quoting to printing to shipping."

Global packaging industry C-level respondents plan to increase capital expenditure on 'machinery and equipment purchase' over the next 12 months. For example, in March 2012, Beatson Clark, a glass packaging manufacturer based in the UK, decided to invest US$15.6 million in furnace improvements and new equipment at its Rotherham plant, and plans a complete reconstruction of its white flint furnace in July 2012. A senior executive from Beatson Clark states: "Our company sees growth in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical sectors in the UK over the next 12 to 18 months. Therefore, we expect to invest in new design technology by updating its computer-aided design system to the 3D visualization software."

'Email and newsletters', 'social media and networking sites', and 'public relations' are expected to register the highest investment, as identified by 47%, 44%, and 36% of respective C-level respondents. Conversely, 'television and video', 'outdoor', 'radio', and 'newspaper' advertisement are expected to attract the least investment.

dimanche 20 mai 2012

Emballages alimentaires, l'innovation est dans la boîte !

A partir du 15 mai 2012, le Musée des arts et métiers proposera au sein de sa collection permanente Matériaux un nouvel espace dédié à l’emballage alimentaire.

> Accéder au site Web spécialement dédié à ce nouvel espace

Entièrement repensé et rénové, ce nouvel espace s’intéresse à l’une des applications des matériaux : les emballages alimentaires. A travers une scénographie contemporaine jouant sur les codes du packaging, les visiteurs suivront l’itinéraire des emballages alimentaires de la fabrication jusqu’au recyclage.

Dis, c’est quoi cette bouteille de lait ?
Comment fabrique t-on les bouteilles, boîtes, barquettes et autres canettes qui peuplent nos placards et réfrigérateurs ? Comment choisit-on les matériaux qui conservent nos aliments ?
Grâce aux différents jeux interactifs qui jalonnent ce nouvel espace, petits et grands découvriront qu’en matière d’emballage tout est possible !

Les emballages alimentaires innovent !
Dans ces 130 m2, 100% emballage, le public retrouvera les grandes innovations technologiques qui ont transformé le packaging alimentaire. Du pot à lait de nos grand-mères jusqu’aux plats minutes micro-ondables, en passant par la boîte de conserve starifiée par Andy Warhol… Que de chemin parcouru par nos emballages, véritables témoins de l’évolution des mœurs et de la société.

Trier mieux pour recycler plus.
Ce nouvel espace aidera le public à décrypter et identifier les différents emballages. Mieux comprendre ses emballages, c’est mieux trier ses déchets. Que deviennent nos briques de jus de fruit ? Peut-on recycler les plastiques? Le process de recyclage, du tri sélectif à la valorisation, n’aura plus de secret pour vous.

Emballages alimentaires, l’innovation est dans la boîte !, c’est aussi un espace de démonstration dédié aux scolaires, une dizaine d’interactifs et audiovisuels, une ensacheuse, des animations pédagogiques dont une mini-chaîne de production d’emballage et un site Internet dédié. Tout un programme !

vendredi 11 mai 2012

Comment exploiter les médias sociaux au sein d'une stratégie marketing?

Je vous invite à lire mon article publié dans le dernier numéro de la revue l’Actualité Alimentaire : Comment exploiter les médias sociaux au sein d'une stratégie marketing?

Le web 2.0 et les médias sociaux ont changé fondamentalement le comportement du consommmateur. Intéractivité, collaboration, instantanéité, mobilité, conversation, création de communautés, médiatisation des contenus, organisation d'évènements, rencontres, accès à de nouvelles sources d'informations, facilité d'utilisation, gratuité, accès à un large public sont autant de points positifs des médias sociaux. Les possibilités semblent sans limite, surtout si la stratégie consiste à combiner habilement les différents médias sociaux (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Youtube, etc.).

Il est clair que les acteurs de l’industrie agro-alimentaire et de l’emballage doivent s’adapter à ces nouveaux medias sociaux qui changent considérablement les façons d’interagir avec les clients et fournisseurs et plus généralement les manières de conduire leurs affaires. Vous voulez présenter un nouveau produit ou un nouveau service à vos clients et prospects, sans engager de dépenses ? Publiez les bonnes informations sur votre blog, faites-en l'annonce sur votre page Facebook et tweetez à vos « followers».

mercredi 9 mai 2012

Converting Quarterly: Five sustainability trends that will shape packaging

Sustainability has fast become part and parcel of the global packaging industry, whether your product is web-processed plastic flexible packaging, paper-based corrugated containers or rigid metal cans and glass bottles. Packaging converters and their raw-material suppliers are being driven by demands from their direct CPG customers, retailers and consumers to find solutions.

Full article is available online. Click HERE to read the 2012 Quarter 2 Digital Edition NOW.